Friday, March 9, 2012


I made a couple quick stops in resale shops this week and scored in a matter of minutes!  First up, I stopped at The Shelter Shop in Belleville at the corner of West Main and the North Belt West.  There I found two men's vintage Pendleton wool shirts, for just $2.50 each.  I bought them with making pillows for the bed at the cabin in mind.  But the red one is my size and pretty cute so I may keep it for wearing hiking at the cabin and make the other into a pillow.  Well, I won't actually make it into a pillow, oh no, I don't sew.  But I know people who do, so I'll barter, beg or buy their services.

I also stopped at Variety on a budget on Lincoln Trail in Fairview Heights and scored two jackets.  I don't usually buy secondhand clothes (except for projects such as the pillows)  but every once in awhile something catches my eye while I'm looking at other things.  I'm hard to please when it comes to clothes as far as their condition and fit and I'm really pretty good at finding clothes cheap firsthand.  But I made an exception this day.  I found a yellow jacket that had a vintage look to it and I just loved the sunny color.

Plus I've bought a few new navy shirts for spring and it will look so nice over them.  Then I found a coral jacket, a favorite color of mine and I love wearing the color with my turquoise jewelry.  The jackets happened to be on sale for a $1 off that day so I paid $2 for one and $3 for the other, what a splurge!
Can't wait to see what's in store (haha, get it) this weekend!  Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!

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