Friday, February 20, 2009

Chocolate Fix

So I went out last night with a few of my friends to Bailey's Chocolate Bar in the Lafayette Square area of St. Louis.  We've gotten a group of gals together and we eat out together once a month.  The atmosphere is really rich, just like the chocolate. Dark woods, reds and golds, candles - very romantic and relaxing.  Make sure you're ready for a leisurely dinner and dessert, or just skip to dessert if you want.  You can pick your poison (chocolate) in the form of beer, martinis, shakes, on your salad, baked desserts, candies and ice cream confections.  The seven of us felt it necessary to have a bit of dinner before we dove into dessert.  On the table with a lot of sharing going on were: a couple of pizzetas (small pizzas with not your usual ingredients) of the "Missour" variety which was just a pizza crust spread with butta (butter), cheeses, mushrooms, garlic and a little green herb garnish of some sort; a couple salads - one spinach and one Salad Chocolat (mixed greens, dried cherries, toasted nuts,danish blue cheese, white chocolate with a framboise viniagrette); Baked Brie wrapped in mixed nuts with bacon, fruit and bread; and foccacia bread with olive oil to dip it in. For dessert there was: Milk Chocolate Bread Pudding, The Bailey's Bar (chocolate cake with buttercream frosting between layers dipped in ganache), Bailey's Chocolate Brownie and a chocolate raspberry martini. I'd say the pizzeta and desserts were favs of the table.  You'll find their complete menu, both drink and food, on their website just click on their name above or the title of the article and I'll take you there!

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