Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Normally, I wouldn't bring up my own birthday, especially my 51st one (it is better than THE other alternative though) but I HAVE to share the CUTEST, "FUN"est (ok, that's not a word, I know) birthday card I think I've ever gotten.  It's from one of my oldest friends (I mean longest, sorry gal), Kathy, my cohort in antique shopping crimes (well, they should be crimes, the things we find and the prices we get them for)!  Oh, she knows me, all TOO well.  And I love it!  And her birthday card!  AND her!  Thanks, Kath!
Here I am, taking yet another load to the SUV at Brimfield, Massachusetts in May of 2010.

That's me in the back of Kathy's Element in Springfield, Ohio at the Antique Show at the Fairgrounds on our way home from the show in Brimfield, Massachusetts.  A trip of a lifetime!  By the way, there's a claw foot tub and a 5 foot church pew somewhere in the back of that SUV.  We know how to pack!


  1. Happy 51st on your official "day"! Can't wait for Nashville!! K.

  2. Replies
    1. Isn't she just TOO creative! Or maybe she just has too much time on her hands! LOL!
