I need a Wedding Belle, a bride-to-be, to buy this dress! If only I were younger, oh and single and much skinnier, I would have bought this dress. Heck, even if I didn't have a groom, I'd buy me this dress and then find me a groom to go with it (not that its not equally as hard to find a good groom as it is to find a good dress). I saw it at the Goodwill on the east end of Belleville yesterday. Truly the most beautiful vintage wedding dress I've ever seen whether it was in a thrift store or an expensive vintage shop. My guess is its from the 50's but I'm no expert. Take a look at the photos and judge for yourself. If I were also to guess size I imagine its around a size 6 in the waist but for a girl that has some of a bosom (cup C or D), again, no expert. I SO wanted to buy this dress, it was only $30!!!!!! But just didn't know what I'd do with it (yes, could resell it for much more but then I have to work to find a buyer) so I resisted temptation yet again. Do you know of anyone?
This is the bust. It has a pleated straight across front underneath and then the appliqued lace sits out in front on top of that, just like a lot of the dresses you see on the red carpet these days. Just gorgeous detail and so in style! |
Front of dress, of course my photo isn't doing it justice! |
Upclose of bust on hanger, again my photography skills leave something to be desired. |
This is a better photo of the upclose detail of the front of the dress. |
Full front view of dress. |
Will you just look at all that luscious tulle and wonderful applique, its uber beautiful! |
Oh yes, you're reading that right, just $30!!! I need to google "Will Steinman" and see what I learn, just so curious! |
I want that! Wondering if it will still be there this weekend? Can't make it all the way over to Belleville :(
It would be worth checking. Chances are someone will have nabbed it but I have gone back into a thrift shop more than once and been surprised that something I thought was the ultimate "find" was still there. You might try calling them first and seeing if its still there. Don't know if they would hold it for you or not. It was a killer find!