So, I've saved up some website info to share with you. Some useful, some probably not but none the less a new frontier.
One of the useful ones is This gal does the work for you. She searches out the sales, coupons, discount offers even better than I do. Having a birthday? Just click on the birthday cake and she has a comprehensive list of places to get free stuff or specials on or around your birthday. Want to know about the flyers in Sunday's paper, she's got that. Want to know who's giving something away. She knows that too. The great thing is, she's out of St. Louis so while some things are national, some are local too. She's been heard on Cornbread's morning show on a country station in town (I forget which one he's on) and she's been on Channel 4's magazine show that's on at 10 a.m. in the morning (can't think of the name of that either). I've perused a little of it and she's good. Check it out!
This site I've mentioned before but its worth mentioning again. It's She's there to help you make more healthy food choices whether you're eating in or eating out. She reviews grocery market food, restaurants (from a health and taste standpoint), provides recipes and discusses health issues. She's not local but a lot of the information is still very helpful. Its very upbeat and realistic too. She doesn't assume you have a personal trainer and your own chef. You can sign up for a daily newsletter that comes Mon. - Fri. that's helpful in keeping you on track if your trying to eat healthy. That being said, I subscribe, and I'm still off the track!
The last website I got from a reader and honestly, at best, it would be a guilty pleasure for some of us. It's And its basically a gossip forum on a variety of topics, sorted by community. So that means you can type in Columbia, IL and find out what the people on topix are talking about in regard to Columbia. When I checked it out last night there was a lot of talk about the elections. But there was also mentions of businesses closing, when Maifest is, when free yard sale permit weekend and recycling weekend is. Some useful info if you weed through it but mostly people going off about a variety of things. Some of you may want to check in regularly, for some it won't be your cup of tea at all. I don't think I'll be a regular visitor and I doubt that I would ever post. BUT, hey, no harm in trying it once and its enlightening no matter what you think of it 'cause as I said, its a new frontier out there and its just part of the mindblowing (at least to me) experience that's out there on the web (just like Facebook was to me).
If you have any interesting or helpful websites to share with my readers please let me know. I love learning all these new things and I'll share with everyone else.
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