These photos are both from the day we spent on and off Padre Island. We drove over to the island Sunday morning and went straight to the marina at the south end of the island. There we signed up for and went on a dolphin cruise. It was about an hour and a half long and we went out into the gulf. The top photo is a photo of a boat similar to the one we took out on the cruise. The bottom photo was taken off the tip of the island going out into the gulf on the gulf side of the island (versus the bay side which is called the Laguna Madre). We saw a lot of dolphins but they're out and back in the water so fast we decided not to aggravate John with trying to get a good photo and just lived in the moment instead. And the moments were many and fantastic. I can't even count how many dolphins we saw. Some of them close enough that we were splashed by their tail fin when they went back in the water. A few even swam along the side of the boat for quite a distance. I loved the boat ride, the dolphins and the scenery. The experience definitely is in my top ten of vacation activities. Next on my list might just have to be swimming with them!
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